Monday, April 28, 2008

Books I need to write

Many people have some tasks they feel compelled to carry out. Mine is writing articles, books, whatever and communicating with a broad audience to share my experiences and interests.

This is a growing post containing a list of books I should and can write.

A simple guide to liver transplant

This will be aimed at non-medics who are suddenly confronted with the prospects of a liver transplant for their near and dear one. I will try to write, in plain English, a small history of liver transplants, a brief overview of exact funtions of liver in the context of other organs, the need for transplant, post-transplant care and everything else that one needs to know to make an informed decision to undergo this complex, expensive and time-consuming procedure.

Tales preceding an arranged marriage
This book will collect experiences from individuals who have significant experience of the selection process preceding an arranged marriage. These people will not be matchmakers, but prospective brides/grooms themselves. This is really inspired by the fascination I have for the institution of marriage and also seeing the ordeals some acquaintances have gone through, and also an attempt to understand the selection before I start going through it!